Tuesday, March 18, 2008

do you ever experience a night so weird and funny that you try and remember all the stuff that happened so you could write a short story about it?

So it was my first night hanging out with the locals. This dude asked me a question, where someplace was, and i didn't know but he walked with me for a while and i ended up asking him if he knew where one could find grass in launceston tasmania. he said it was hard to come by but he was actually going to sell some to a friend and he was looking for a bar somewhere near the hungry jacks (burgur king). I thought, sweet, a drug dealer- just what i was looking for after being in town for a little over a week, and looking for some stuff to smoke out in the woods. His name was clint and he seemed like a good guy, i walked with him to this bar and i kindof knew the way because i had walked around there before looking for a job. (paul has only 10 minutes left and must quickly finish this story before the library closes. So we go to this bar and immediatly go to the back where all the smokers are smoking, outside. we meet up with this old dude who doesn't seem interested in talking to me and kindof grumbles when i ask him questions. He buys me a beer though, a round for everyone. Nice enough but that kindof means i have to hang out there with all the old australians, who as i can hear had been drinking all day- the day before was the launceston cup, a state holiday to celebrate horse racing. Anyways, they were talking about how drunk they were the night before and how they'd been drinking since 10 am... that's the stuff i remember at first, but they were talking about lots of stuff, some of which i couldn't understand because i'd never heard the thick accent much before.
I put my backpack down, near an ashtray that everyone fliccks ther cigarrettes into. Some dude misses and hits my bag, comes over and is like what are you doing in here with a bag you shouldnt bring a backpack into the bar mate what are ya thinkin. We kindof look at each other a bit then he puts out his hand and says 'peaceful' i shake his hand and he says ' peaceful' again. So we're hanging out, dude who i later learned is named brenden buys me another beer, and we go play some pool. I soon learned from other peoples talking that the guy who shook my hand is NAMED peaceful; i had no idea he was introducing himself at all. Then i go into the bathroom for the drug deal- clint is really uptight about doing this and he offers me about oa half a gram of really shitty dope in a piece of paper and asks for 25$. i say no way and talk him down to 15 but still it's so much money and i can't afford it, or at least don't want to pay that much for such a small amount of shite. I ended up buying it for 20 on the condition that i'd see more of it later, give me a few buds he says he'd give me in the future. So ok at least i scored because i really wanted it ( i ended up having an amazing time smarkin it in the cataract gorge one afternoon it was so inspiring.)
But anyways, we hang out and play pool for a long time, and brenden keeps buying me drinks, i had maybe 6 drinks given to me by the end, 3 of them shots. We meet this friendly other dude and we all cabbed back to brendens. Clint is 20 or so years old, brenden is probly 60 and an extreme alcoholic, which i thought was a strange pair of buddies, and this other dude ggave me this weird wristband that said amnesty international on it and gave me his phone number. We hung out but there wasn't music just the tv. We drank beer and smoked 'chuff' which is australian for grass, and we had 'cones' which is some weird way they do it. i get up at one point to switch the radio on but it doesn't work, but the tv is so annoying it's some dramatic show with intense diologue and music, and when i go sit back down im told to be careful because you shouldn't touch a radio in someone else's house because you might get your ass beat, just sayin'. It was weird because i knew thhey were nice guys and wouldn't do that but it was just a friendly warning. And i was later told that brenden doesn't really like strangers. I couldn't really tell what his deal was but i heard that he has alzheimers and that's why he can't talk well. but if he didn't like me all that much he shure bought me so many drinks. I guess he just wanted people to party with. ahh. anyways, many more adventures have happened since, i 'll write them down later, i just wanted to type this one out before anything else.

1 comment:

jjgillingham said...

do not touch that dial...! drink up.